Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Hey guys, I'm doing a giveaway and to enter all you have to do is comment down below what you would like me to do next and give me an email that you will find on my second blog: http://bigdreamerdreams.blogspot.ch/

You will get 2 tickets to Legoland, the one in Germany.
Good luck!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Cool Pics!!

Hey guys!! today I am going to share some awesome WeHeartIt photos I found!! I guarantee you will like them!! Hope you do!!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy New Year!!!!!🎉🎊🎈🎆🎇😍😝👌👯


Sorry guys I haven't written in such a long time. Just busy with stuff like parties,(ow yeah)  new year resolutions(yeah right) and school!!(BORING) Wish you all a happy new year!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

50CHF Giveaway!!

Hey guys, awesome news!! I am doing a giveaway of 50CHF giveaway!! Here is the link for more details and how to enter:

How to Make Money!!

Hey guys, I am going to show you 6 different ways to make money as a kid/teen!! So keep looking!!

Sell Your Clothes Online!!
Just take your old clothes out and take a picture of them and sell the online!!

Sell Snacks!!
Tell your parent to buy you some school snacks and take them to school and sell them for double the price!!

Give Tutor lessons!!
Just make some posters and start giving tutor lessons. ONLY if you know all about that subject or they might ask for a refund. But you also get double the price!!

Just ask for some money and wash a car!!

Sell anything that's your on Ebay and get money!!

Do Chores!!
Ask your parents for any chores and tell them to pay you when you are done!!

So I hope these six ways helped you to make money. Thanks for looking and I hope you will come back soon. Bye!!💛💚💙💜

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

DIY Random Witch Hat

RANDOM ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, I made this random witch hat for no reason and it looks cool so I thought it would be cool to share it with you guys!! So keep looking!! 

-Witch hat stencil
-Moustache stencil
-Plain hair band
-Hot glue gun
-Googly eyes
-Parchment paper
-Nail polish/paint/permanent marker

Put your hat stencil and moustache stencil under the parchment and fill it up. I found the stenciles online.Then let it dry and fix your hat together. Paint your hat and moustache with nail polish, paint of permanent marker what colour you like. I went with dark blue and silver. Let it dry and glue the moustache and googly eyes with the hot glue gun on the hat. Let it all dry and glue the hat on the hair band. Go more for a side hat because it looks better. 

This hat is perfect for Halloween!! Thanks for looking at my random witch hat and if you make it any time share it with me on Facebook. Bye guys!😘😘😄😃😋

2 Different Nail Art!

Hey guys, today I am going to show you a cheetah print nail art and and a side dot technique. + a tip for nails!So keep looking!!

Sorry it's tilted!😒

Cheetah Print
-Tooth pick
-Base colour nail polish
-2 colours of nail polish

TIP: Paint a clear coat first for protection for your nails!
Cut the tooth pick's point a bit to get the point a bit fatter. Do that in 2 different different sizes, one slightly fatter than the other one. Apply your clear coat then your base the coat. Let it dry. 
Then use the fatter side of the tooth pick you just cut and take one colour and make random dots. Go over some of them slightly getting the ∞ sign. Let it dry then then take the smaller side one and dip it into the last colour left and make C or ( ) signs once around the first messy dots you made repeat that and if there are any blank gaps, fill it with the first colour. Apply a clear coat and you are done!! This is a bit harder but it was fun making it!! The result come out amaze!!😍 You must try it!!

Side Dot

-Tooth pick
-Clear nail polish
-Base colour
-Dot colour

Apply your clear coat, then your base colour. Use the tooth pick to make a dot on the left top side or right to side. Apply your clear coat to finish it of like a sandwich. Your done! Easy!💩